Join the Community
FreePBX is the world’s most popular open source IP PBX with over 2 MILLION installations and growing!
It’s no secret that all credit for this success rightfully belongs to the FreePBX community whose contributions and support make everything possible.
Developers, integrators, and enthusiasts work hard to maintain the openness of the platform so that users benefit from the freedom of choosing how to deploy FreePBX, which provider to purchase SIP trunking service from, what hardware and endpoints to pair FreePBX with… The list of choices FreePBX users are free to make goes on and on.
Registering on the FreePBX site allows you to:
Ready to be part of the large and active FreePBX community?
Get involved in discussions on hot topics, deployment scenarios, troubleshooting, and system configuration.
Enjoy a wealth of FreePBX information on everything from system setup to troubleshooting and beyond.
Feature Requests & Bug Submissions
The beauty of FreePBX being an open platform is that users are equipped to find new ways to deploy and integrate FreePBX into unique and interesting solutions.
Sangoma, as the primary sponsor and developer, encourages this wholeheartedly and strives to facilitate and assist in the innovations the community envisions for FreePBX.
Request features and report software bugs to let the engineers and developers at Sangoma know the features users want and issues they are experiencing. These submissions are taken seriously and are a critical way developers, users, and enthusiasts influence the future of FreePBX.
Meet Up with the Community
The FreePBX community is vibrant and active, so between hosting our own events and contributing to others, there are always opportunities to meet the community.
We invite you to join us at conferences, trade shows, road shows, and other events to help us spread the word about FreePBX and the power of open source.