Restricting outbound calls in FreePBX (whitelist)

Picture of mbrevda


Previously, we discussed [b]preventing [/b]outbound calls from FreePBX by using two methods: Misc Applications and outbound routes. There is also (at least) two ways to [b]allow [/b]outgoing calls using a whitelist, i.e. allowing calls [b]only [/b]to the numbers specified.

The first one is extremely simple, and I can already hear you saying “Duh!”. But sometimes the answer to a problem is staring us right in the face and we miss it anyway. So at the risk of insulting some of you, and hopefully enlightening some of you, here it is: Password protect your outbound routes. Yes, extremely primitive – but it works! Password protect those routes that you don’t want your users calling, and just leave the others unprotected. This will allow for an environment where you have very tight control over outbound calls.

The second way to restrict outbound calls is much more sophisticated and allows for refined control of which extensions/user are restricted and which aren’t (obviously without the use of a password). One of the goals of this method are to restrict the outbound calls but [b]nothing else[/b]. This method will keep all other FreePBX applications available to the restricted user: Voice Mail, Conferences, Paging, Call Forwarding, etc. – will all be available. The only thing restricted will be outgoing calls.

The first step is to segregate the restricted context form the other users. Start by opening /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf and adding the following context:

#exec /var/lib/asterisk/bin/

The next step is to make sure asterisk will ‘follow’ the ‘exec’. Open /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf and make sure you have a line that reads:

execincludes=yes ; support #exec in config files

(specifically, ensure there is no ; at the begging of the line). Next download this script, and save it to /var/lib/asterisk/bin/ Now, create /etc/asterisk/whitelist and add a list of numbers that you want whitelisted. Here a helpful hint: you can a space and a description after the number so that you remember who’s number it is and why its there. Here’s an example:

2125551212 bob
6565552121 marry
4264441212 bill

The last step is to place any extension that you want restricted in to the restricted context. In FreePBX, click Extensions -> select the extension -> and scroll down to the context option. Append -restricted to the text and click submit.

Finally, from the linux cli, type amportal chown and reload the asterisk dialplan in your usual way, either by clicking the orange reload bar in FreePBX or by entering dialplan reload from the asterisk cli.

Now, try to place a call from your restricted context – it should be blocked!

The way this works is as follows: when you reload asterisk, it executes the scrip and includes its output in the dialplan (dynamically). The scipt reads the FreePBX generated dialplan and copys the entire from-internal-additional dialplan in to our custom context (well, not the entire dialplan per se – just the includes. For more on how this works see my previous articles). It then reads the numbers listed in your whitelist file and creates routes for them as Local channels (which are callable by restricted extensions as they can call all [b]internal[/b] extensions).Cool, eh?

Got another way to restrict outgoing calls? Lets hear about them in the comments!

[b]Moshe Brevda, FreePBX Development Team[/b]
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