I hope everyone in the United States had a happy Labor Day weekend and for those of you outside the US I hope you had a happy Monday (or Tuesday for those of you living a day ahead of us) just the same. In case you haven’t been keeping an eye on FreePBX’s Module Admin we have made public the “FreePBX Upgrader” for all 2.11 systems that are not a FreePBX Distro based system. This give you the ability to be able to upgrade to FreePBX 12. But before you do that I advise you read the rest of this post (and make a backup… You did make a backup right?). If you don’t know why you should upgrade to 12, I highly recommend checking out our previous blog about the beta cycle: https://www.freepbx.org/news/2014-06-23/freepbx-12-beta-1-and-some-really-cool-stuff
A few of the features included in the FreePBX 12 release are:
- Asterisk 12 Support Allow a system to run both chan_sip and pjsip
- Allow Extensions to be able to be switched between the two
- Added an Asterisk Rest Interface Manager module to add users to be able to utilize Asterisk’s new Rest Interface
- New User Control Panel that replaces ARI “UCP” (Please check online and download the module *after* upgrading to FreePBX 12)
- Presence
- Call History
- Widgets/RSS Feeds
- Modular design allows FreePBX hook into UCP
- Settings
- Find Me/Follow Me
- VmX Locator
- Call Waiting
- Call Forwarding
- Do Not Disturb
- Voicemail
- WebRTC
- Conference Pro
- Fax Pro
- SMS Support in UCP for SIPStation customers
- Brand New Dashboard
- Updates to Module admin
- CDR Reports now support html5 playback, no need to have quicktime player
- Parking now supports direct slot parking (Meaning you can transfer a call directly into a slot)
- Secure Module Signing (http://wiki.freepbx.org/display/F2/Module+Signing)
The full list of features can be viewed here: http://wiki.freepbx.org/display/DC/12+Planned+Changes+and+Features
The requirements for FreePBX 12 are simple:
- Asterisk 1.8 through 13
- PHP 5.3.3 or higher
Upgrade and Download Plans
The easiest way to get access to the Release Candidate is by downloading the FreePBX Distro at http://schmoozecom.com/distro-download.php and following the steps in http://wiki.freepbx.org/display/HTGS/1.+Install+FreePBX. You can also download the tarball of just FreePBX manually from https://www.freepbx.org/download-freepbx and run through the setup processes documented in http://wiki.freepbx.org/display/HTGS/Version+12.0+Installation.
Andrew – On Behalf of the FreePBX Team!