Sangoma Introduces Comprehensive Training with Sangoma University

Picture of Scott Beer

Scott Beer

Sangoma webinar

In a Constantly Evolving Field, How Do You Keep Up?

By keeping current on the latest solutions for your business or your clients, reading through the manual updates for new equipment and…Training. Sangoma is continuously working to improve their hardware and solutions as technology evolves.

Under normal circumstances, users of Sangoma products have time to learn and adopt Sangoma knowledge using wikis, user guides and other self-paced material. As your system and business grows, that time seems to diminish. And finding sources of information takes time you don’t have.


Partners and customers require different degrees of knowledge and skill. Partners supporting greater number of deployments require a comprehensive understanding of Sangoma products, while customers and users may require some general familiarly. To address this need, Sangoma created Sangoma University.


Sangoma University endeavors to provide a diverse range of training solutions. Online Technical and Sales Training Videos provide easy, self-paced instructions on Sangoma products, which allow for excellent visibility for people interested in Sangoma solutions. Classroom Technical Training provides direct and in-depth training that ensures full comprehension of the product, in addition to having one-on-one access to go beyond just knowledge and strive into learning from other’s experiences.


Training shows your customers that you’re keeping up on the latest improvements of the solution you sold them. Training shows your employees that they are a valued part of your company, and worth investing in. When we designed Sangoma University, we wanted to make sure that fully trained people were recognized.


Along with the Sangoma Training comes Sangoma Certifications. It will now be possible to mark your Online Training achievements with a certificate of Sangoma Certified Essentials. Two additional certification offerings will be provided with Classroom Training achievements, Sangoma Certified Apprentice and Sangoma Certified Professional.

Give Back

Sangoma is proud to freely offer Online Training to anyone interested in Sangoma products. The goal is to provide videos that increase the understanding and awareness of Sangoma products. In this initial offering, the key topic is PBXact/FreePBX – called PBXact Essentials. Of course, combined with this is the Sangoma Certified Essentials certificate should you choose to mark your knowledge achievement. Also, Sangoma Sales Training will be provided to those who wish to learn how to sell and market our products. But come back often as the goal is to have freely available technical training on most all Sangoma products.

Look Towards the Future

This is an exciting time to be interested in Sangoma Training. Look forward to Classroom Events, Classroom Course Material, Product Certifications and Portal Store integration for easy purchasing of training courses. Also look for Sangoma Certified Trainers, partners of Sangoma who have been authorized to provide Sangoma Classroom Training.


Where do I find Online Training? Sangoma has created Sangoma University to help guide you through all of your Sangoma knowledge needs and we have already signed you up for Online Training. Please visit Sangoma University at

If you’re already a visitor of the Sangoma website, you may already have access. If you have registered and accessed, please use the same Username and Password.

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