Wrapping Up Sangoma PhoneApps Month

Picture of Mike Schilleman

Mike Schilleman

Sangoma PhoneApps

All month long we’ve been exploring Sangoma PhoneApps, releasing new videos on all 14 applications each week, on our social media pages and website.

Sangoma PhoneApps allow users to control functions and settings directly from the screen of their phone.

These applications instantly improve user productivity, eliminating the need to remember feature codes or access the admin panel of the phone system to make simple changes.

Sangoma PhoneApps

For example, users can use the Visual Voicemail app to easily view and listen to all their voicemails…the Presence app to quickly change their availability across all their end points…and the Login/Logout app to jump from any phone in the office or other locations on their network, instantly pulling in all preferences and custom settings.

PhoneApps are included with all Sangoma IP Phones and connect seamlessly with your FreePBX or PBXact phone system.

The final two PhoneApps videos to be released this month are the Queue Agents and Time Conditions applications, scheduled for Thursday November 30th.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube & Vimeo for more great content, events, promotions & more!

For additional information and all of our Sangoma PhoneApps videos to date, please visit https://www.sangoma.com/products/phoneapps/

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