So over the past 3 years Schmooze has acquired and designed alot of Documentation from Videos, UserGuides and Sales Slicks around all things related to our PBX and FreePBX. We have decided that trying to maintain all these different sites of documentation and yes even at Schmooze we had 3 different places our resellers and customers could find Documentation to combine all this into 1 place and also let the FreePBX users benefit from our collection of information.
This new central location is the Confluence site that we setup a few months ago for FreePBX at As I lay in bed recovering from Back Surgery last week I decided it was now or never to start migrating all this over. Well after 3 solid days I have a large amount of it moved over. I encourage you to spend sometime on the site looking through all the great documentation. Under the FreePBX Modules section there is a page for each module in FreePBX. Lots of these modules have documentation that different community members have been hard at work adding.
Most of the Documentation Schmooze has for modules are done in PDF or Video format so under each module section you will see a page Called “Guides and Video”. This page will have links to any PDF guides or videos that we have created for each module. You will notice they are heavily branded Schmooze as they were created by Schmooze for our Customers but I feel most people will still be appreciative to have the information we have created and gathered.
As always, we just ask that you honor any copyright notices and if you are dying to get something documented comment here and I will see if I can get it through creative for you. We are a little backed up with some new material coming out but currently we have 2 people “Shaun and Mike” in our creative team who are responsable for keeping all the websites, blogs and documentation looking original and fantastic and are working on some really cool videos.
Speaking of videos here is a sample of what you can expect coming out from us. Our plan is to create videos for all modules in FreePBX from a User training perspective and also some sales related videos that you can use to help sell FreePBX systems to your customers.
How to Install FreePBX Distro Video
Now if I could just keep YouTube from shutting down our account it would be so much easier to have a central spot for our videos.