FreePBX Distro Release tracks- The state of the FreePBX Distro

Picture of tonyclewis


Lately there has been some confusion on the different FreePBX Distro versions. I am going to take a moment here and try and explain how this all works. The FreePBX Distro is a CentOS Distribution that includes a specific version of CentOS, Asterisk and FreePBX.

Until this week we offered the following 3 tracks. Think of each track as their own release cycle.

1.8xx.210.58 – STABLE This was the first track we released and includes
[*]Asterisk 1.8.x
[*]FreePBX 2.10
[*]CentOS 5.8

1.10xx.210.58 – STABLE Includes
[*]Asterisk 10.x
[*]FreePBX 2.10
[*]CentOS 5.8

1.10xx.210.62 – BETA Includes
[*]Asterisk 10.x
[*]FreePBX 2.10
[*]CentOS 6.2

Within each track we offer [url=]Upgrade Scripts[/url] that generally upgrade published CentOS packages, asterisk, DAHDi and FreePBX. Generally you can not upgrade between tracks but we do make exceptions if the track is on the same main CentOS release such as CentOS 6.x or 5.x and we have set a track to be End of Life. We specifically don’t offer upgrade scripts to go from a CentOS 5.x to 6.x released distro such as 1.10xx.210.58 to 1.10xx.210.62 since CentOS has not provided any such upgrade and states the only way to upgrade to CentOS 6 from 5 is to do a new install.

Now that Asterisk 11 is out we have decided to make some changes to our tracks, with community input [url=]Which can be see here.[/url]

The new tracks are:

1.8xx.210.62- STABLE Includes
[*]Asterisk 1.8.x
[*]FreePBX 2.10
[*]CentOS 6.2

1.10xx.210.62- STABLE Includes
[*]Asterisk 10.x
[*]FreePBX 2.10
[*]CentOS 6.2

1.11xx.210.63- BETA Includes
[*]Asterisk 11.x
[*]FreePBX 2.10
[*]CentOS 6.3

We have removed support for both of the CentOS 5.8 based track releases. The plan is to keep offering upgrade scripts on the 1.8xx.210.58 track for asterisk and DAHDi for the next 6 months since we can not provide any clear upgrade path to the 1.8xx.210.62 track that is based on CentOS 6.2

As we watch the 1.11xx.210.63 track stabilize we will be dropping the 1.10xx.210.62 track but will provide an upgrade path from 1.10xx.210.62 track to 1.11xx.210.63 track since they are in the same CentOS 6.x family. With Asterisk 10 not being a Long Term Release (LTE) from Digium we have no plans on supporting it very long and moving everyone to the Asterisk 11 track since this is their LTE.

As a recap the current state of the 5 different FreePBx Distro release tracks are;

1.8xx.210.58 – STABLE – END OF LIFE. Receiving upgrade scripts for new Asterisk 1.8 and DAHDi versions only. Will not be building any new ISOs for this version. Recommend using FreePBX backup and restore to move to a Newer Centos 6.x track of the ISO long term.

1.10xx.210.58 – STABLE – END OF LIFE. Will not be receiving any Upgrade scripts and recommend using FreePBX backup and restore to move to a newer supported version track.

1.8xx.210.62 – STABLE – PRODUCTION- Recommended track for Asterisk 1.8

1.10xx.210.62 – STABLE – PRODUCTION- Recommended track for Asterisk 10

1.11xx.210.63 – BETA – PRODUCTION- Recommended track for Asterisk 11

You can find the upgrade scripts for each version track under the Distro Forums as stickies at the top. [url=]Upgrade Scripts[/url]

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