Sangoma Completing the Open Source Move to GitHub

Picture of Lorne Gaetz

Lorne Gaetz

TL;DR – Effective immediately, Sangoma is migrating the Atlassian stack that is currently hosting and to GitHub.

Hello everyone, happy Friday.

As has been announced previously, and has been already done successfully for the Asterisk project earlier this year, FreePBX is migrating away from the Atlassian stack in use for project issues and code, and going forward will be managed and maintained using GitHub’s infrastructure.

The Plan


  • Bug reports – previously, issues have been accepted in Jira at Effective immediately, this Jira will be shut down, and all functionality will be moved to GitHub in the coming weeks. Further announcements will follow on how to use the new issue reporting system there. Ultimately the domain will redirect to its new home, but may not go anywhere in the immediate term.
  • Code Repo – Previously, all FreePBX OSS code has been stored in Bitbucket at Effective immediately, external access to this instance will be removed and services will be moved to GitHub. Further announcements will be made when the migration is complete. In the near term, the domain will redirect to the current FreePBX presence at GitHub.
  • FreePBX Wiki – The old confluence site formerly at was shut down earlier this week. As a temporary measure the content is publicly available at by search, but ultimately will be moved to a new Confluence instance in the cloud. Migration is underway now, and we’ll post updates in the Community forum with progress. There will soon be links to the new Confluence wiki added to the landing page at
  • FreePBX Community – The community forum at runs on Discourse and will continue to do so. There are no plans to move away from Discourse, though at some point there will be a need for all user accounts to do a password reset in order to login. We will provide instructions to the community user base on how to do this when the time comes.


The Background


You may well be wondering why we are taking steps to shut down the affected Atlassian products before we have the replacement services up and running smoothly. All of the affected services are running on unsupported product versions and are becoming more and more work to maintain. As our migration plans near completion, we have decided to concentrate on the new instead of the old. Until we have everything migrated completely, please report FreePBX bugs or issues in the Community forum at The FreePBX code base has long been mirrored to GitHub, so it will continue to be available throughout the service migration at

The FreePBX team is looking forward to seeing the plans come to a conclusion and seeing things up and running in their new homes. We ask for a bit of patience while the process unfolds and the construction dust settles.


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