Plans for the Next Milestone (2.9)

Picture of Philippe Lindheimer

Philippe Lindheimer

I’m hoping that all of you in the States had a good July 4th Weekend, or for our Northern neighbors, a great Canada Days celebration! The current 2.8 release is looking great with over 2700 systems running the new version and very little noise on the bug tracker front. With those stats, we will be moving it from a release candidate to a final release this week so stay tuned!

With 2.8 winding down we will start gearing up our focus even more on the next milestone for version 2.9. We are really excited about some of the things that we have in store for this next version but as always will be looking towards to community for other ideas and contributions to keep things rolling.

There are a couple modules that we are hoping to make part of this next milestone and they are currently available to play with in the contributed_modules SVN repository.

The first is an End Point manager to be officially part of the FreePBX application. There were some efforts over a year ago by some active community members to get this effort going which did gain some initial momentum for a while. In the last 6 months a very dedicated developer, Andrew (tm1000) picked up the project and started the long task of cleaning it up and moving it forward. He has since moved this module into our repository and started working with the team to integrate it closely in FreePBX. We are all very excited on the prospects this has and look forward to working with tm1000 to get this module fully integrated.

Next is the DAHDi configuration module that was developed by Digium and recently included in their AsteriskNOW 1.7 ISO of FreePBX. This module allows FreePBX to detect and configure DAHDi cards on your system for use within FreePBX. I’ve added this module to the contributed_modules SVN repository and added several enhancements to integrate into the DAHDi Trunk and Extension configuration pages, such that the configuration provided by the modules are offered up in select boxes to these pages vs. the vanilla text boxes that are necessary when no DAHDi configuration module is present. We are excited to be bringing this module into the FreePBX application as well!

Currently there are [url=/v2/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=type&milestone=Cut+Line&order=priority]468 Active Feature Requests and Other Tickets[/url] which we will be sifting through as well to start filling out the target feature set for this next release. That’s a lot of tickets to sift through and it’s easy to miss ones so as always, feedback from you will help in considering what we try to get in to the release. So speak up and let us know!

For now, go try out version 2.8 if you haven’t already and we’ll be back soon with more information and updates!

[b]Philippe[/b] – On behalf of the FreePBX team!

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