EOL Notice for FreePBX 13 and 14

Picture of Lorne Gaetz

Lorne Gaetz

The GA release for FreePBX 16 was about a year ago now, and since that time both versions 15 and 16 have continued to get new features and updates. 

The majority of our current development efforts now are laser focused on the next version of FreePBX, which will be built on a new FreePBX Distro based on Rocky Linux. There is still much to do for our next release, expect an announcement in this regard in the Spring.

Historically, the FreePBX engineering team has supported only two major versions at any given time –  the current version and the previous one. When a new FreePBX beta gets released, the older supported version becomes Security Fixes Only and the cycle repeats. In recent years we’ve gotten away from that predictable release cycle, so now is the time to get back on track with all current projects.

As of the date of this announcement, both FreePBX and PBXact versions 13 and 14 are officially end of life. PBX Admins who are still running these versions are encouraged to make plans to migrate to current. There are tools available to assist with this, not the least of which is the current version of the Backup Module which allows an admin to restore a backup from a legacy version on a new current installation.

FreePBX versions 15 and 16 will continue to get full security and feature support for the foreseeable future. Anyone setting up a new system at this point is encouraged to use version 16.

In addition to the above, there are two more announcements to EOL legacy products:

  • Zulu Mobile is officially End Of Life as well. The replacement product is Sangoma Talk mobile.
  • The FreePBX Offsite backup service is officially End of Life and has not been available for purchase or renewal in the Sangoma Portal for about a year now. 

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